Student Support Services

GBAT wishes to ensure that all students are supported in their studies to the fullest extent possible, GBAT will ensure full resources of GBAT are made available to ensure that the student achieves the required level of competency in all accredited courses. GBAT can provide access to specialist support for participants who may have special needs, including assistance for

• language, literacy and numeracy
• people from disadvantaged backgrounds
• persons from non-English speaking backgrounds
• people with disabilities
• people in rural or isolated locations.

GBAT can provide access to specialist assistance for students who require support with language, literacy or numeracy (LLN). Prior to commencement of training, GBAT will assess each student’s LLN needs and those identified as having language, literacy and numeracy difficulties that could affect their ability to complete their studies will be provided with access to external specialist services to assist them. Assistance will be administered to participants identified with special needs in the form of information and/or referrals as required. GBAT will work in cooperation with the external specialist services to ensure successful outcomes. The following Student Support Services – Useful Links is a list of useful resources for GBAT students.


1. Skills for All   1800 506 266
2. Language literacy and Numeracy
Reading and Writing Hotline (8am – 8pm):     1300 655 506
TAFE SA English Language Services 127 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000 Ph 08 8226 6555 E:
CAE Level 2, 253 Flinders Lane Melbourne Phone: 9652 0719
3. Australian Skills Quality Authority ASQA   1300 701 801
4. National Relay Service   Teletypewriter (TTY)   call 1800 555 677
The NRS an Australia-wide telephone access service provided for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment. It is also available to anyone who wants to call a person with such an impairment. – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
5. Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) National   Telephone: 131 450
6. Office of the Training Advocate   (SA only)
Ground Floor
55 Currie Street
Adelaide SA 5000

Post: GPO Box 320 Adelaide SA 5001

Phone (toll free) 1800 006 488


The Training Advocate’s functions include:
• promotion of employment, education and training
• independent complaint handling process
• advocacy
• information and advice
• monitoring the training system.


7. Study Adelaide – a definitive source of information about studying in Adelaide and
helpful links

Accommodation and Living

8. Study Adelaide South Australia

9. City of Adelaide – Study
Full of information and resources to help students study in Adelaide.

10. Adelaide Citysearch

11. SA Central
South Australian Government Gateway for all government services and websites

Counselling and financial support services

12. UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide Inc.
10 Pitt Street, Adelaide South Australia 5000 Telephone: (08) 8202 5111

13. Lifeline
Ph 13 11 14 24 hrs a day
Counselling, access support services and resources. On line resource finder for your location

14. BeyondBlue Info line – 1300 22 4636

15. Mensline 1300 789 978
MensLine Australia is a telephone support, information and referral service, helping men to deal with relationship problems in a practical and effective way, available 24 hours a day

Medical / Emergencies

For an emergency appointment with your local doctor (General Practitioner) check the White Pages for the phone number If the emergency is life threatening, call 000

16. Beyondblue   1300224636
17. Health Direct Australia
Free Call 1800 022 222 – speak directly to a Registered Nurse for health information,
advice and support

Legal Services

18. Legal Services Commission of SA
The legal aid organisation for South Australia, responsible for helping people access justice by providing legal advice, legal representation and community legal education and information. LSC can help in areas of criminal law, family law and some civil law matters. For free legal advice call Legal Help Line 1300 366 424
19. Equal Opportunity Commission of South Australia
Internet site of the Equal Opportunity Commission of SA for updates of information is

Government Departments and Services

20. Department of Education and Children’s Services
21. Department of Education, (Federal)
22. Department of State Services
23. Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC)   131 881
24. Disability Advocacy and Complaints Service of SA   8297 3500
25. Study Adelaide
26. Equal Opportunity Commission   8207 1977
27. Fair Work Ombudsman   131394
28. Overseas Student Ombudsman   1300 362 072
29. Safework SA   1300 365 255
30. Training and Skills Commission   8226 3462
31. Young Worker’s Legal Service   8279 2233
32. Office of Consumer and Business Affairs   131882