Course Fee Funding

Solar Victoria

Upskilling for Electricians Training

This training is funded by Solar Victoria as part of the Training and Workforce Development program.

Enrolments under this program have closed

In 2024, Solar Victoria funded training for A-grade electricians and fourth-year electrical apprentices to gain the skills and knowledge to become a qualified solar photovoltaic (PV) designer and installer or a battery storage system (BSS) designer and installer.

Participants completed our Design and Install Grid PV Systems course, subject to meeting student eligibility and course prerequisite requirements. Funded positions were strictly limited.

Boosting training and workforce development will ensure Victoria has an ongoing supply of skilled workers to support growth in the renewable and clean energy sector. See Solar Victoria’s website here

Solar Training Centre ran these courses in Ballarat in 2024

Solar Victoria

Work Safely in the Solar Industry

VU23631 Work safely on roofs with renewable energy systems

Enrolments under this program have closed

The Solar Training Centre was funded by Solar Victoria to increase access and support for regionally based solar installers by delivering the nationally accredited training unit VU23631 Work safely on roofs with renewable energy systems (formerly VU22744 Work safely in the solar industry) in locations across regional Victoria. 

All solar PV, battery and solar hot water system installers who must compete this mandatory training before registering and completing any installations of solar PV systems or solar hot water systems on rooftops under the Solar Homes Program. This includes apprentices, licensed and registered plumbers, electricians and trade assistants. 

This free training was available to Victorians who met the funding eligibility requirements.

Courses were delivered in 

  • Traralgon
  • Bendigo
  • Shepparton
  • Wodonga
  • Ballarat
  • Geelong
  • Wangaratta
  • Korumburra
  • Horsham

All available places were filled and the program is now closed.

You can attend training at our Springvale location – course fee applies (no funding available)

Contact us at for more information.


CSQ Funding (QLD)

About CSQ Funding:

Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ)  is an independent, not-for-profit, industry funded body supporting employers, workers, apprentices, trainees and career seekers in the building and construction industry. CSQ provides funding to reduce the financial obstacle to training, making upskilling an affordable option for many more individuals in the construction industry. CSQ-funded training is delivered by a range of selected registered training organizations (RTOs) like Solar Training Centre across Queensland.  CSQ contributes towards the cost of courses to reduce the cost to participants. CSQ funding is paid directly to the contracted RTO, generally between 75% and 100% of course costs.

Courses Offered:

CSQ Funding is applicable to the following short courses at Solar Training Centre:

  • Grid Connected Solar PV Systems
  • Battery Storage for Grid Connected Solar PV Systems

Course Fees:

Please refer to the course page for full course fee

Applicable Rebates: We pay you back this amount after you pass the course within the timeframe we specify, and we issue your certificate

Solar PV Courses
  • Design Grid PV Systems – Rebate of $573 (1 unit of study – UEERE0061)
  • Install Grid PV Systems – Rebate of $515 (1 unit of study – UEERE0081)
  • Design for Qualified Installers – Rebate of $573 (1 unit of study – UEERE0061)
  • Design and Install Grid PV Systems – Rebate of $1088 (2 units of study – both of the above)
Battery Storage Courses
  • Design Battery Systems for Grid PV – Rebate of $756 (1 unit of study – UEERE0060)
  • Install Battery Systems for Grid PV – Rebate of $756 (2 units of study –  UEERE0077 at $379 and UEERE0078 at $379))
  • Design and Install Battery Systems for Grid PV – Rebate of $1512 (3 units of study – all of the above)

Eligibility Criteria and Applying:

Detailed eligibility criteria and the proof of eligibility you need to provide us are provided to you when you complete an Enrolment form and Training Agreement with us. Funding is also subject to availability.

  1. To be eligible for CSQ funding for our Solar PV and Battery Storage courses, you must be an Australian Resident/ Permanent Resident/ holder of an appropriate VISA and be substantially engaged in the Queensland residential building and construction industry and hold an electrical license, or be an eligible electrical apprentice in QLD. Additional eligibility requirements apply.


  1. an Employee of an Authority (Employees of a Local Councils are acceptable where they are an eligible worker)
  2. currently enrolled and participating in a Queensland secondary school program
  3. a contracted trainer or assessor or existing worker of an RTO
  4. funded by an Authority or such other source for the delivery of the same training being undertaken as part of this Program
  5. a participant who is seeking a Verification of Competency (or Determination of Competency)

CSQ permits each student a claim maximum of 8 short courses (i.e. units of study) in the funding period 01.10.24 to 30.09.25.

Click on this link to review eligibility for CSQ short courses on the CSQ website.  Contact us for more information.

You can download our CSQ Funding Application form here

CITB Funding (SA)

CITB is a whole-of-industry led organisation that provides support to attract, train and retain South Australian building and construction workers by providing leadership in training and skills development.


  • provides access to subsidised training for apprentices, their employers and workers in the industry;
  • promotes and supports careers in construction;
  • advises the SA Government on industry training;
  • supports training, innovation, research and planning;
  • attracts our future workforce through vocational training in schools by supporting the doorways2construction™ program.


The objective of CITB’s Short Course Training program is to raise the level of skill in the construction industry workforce by engaging Eligible Persons in training and skill development activities. CITB facilitates training opportunities and endeavours to ensure that CITB funded training meets both quality standards and industry requirements.

Each financial year, Eligible Persons with an approved CITB number can obtain up to $3,000 of training subsidies off any CITB endorsed short course, with a CITB endorsed training provider.

To obtain the short course subsidises, an approved CITB number must be provided to the training provider upon enrolment.


About CITB Funding:

The CITB Construction Skills Training Program provides funding for eligible persons employed in the SA building and construction industry to complete training that promotes increased productivity, career opportunities, personal satisfaction and a health and safe environment within the industry. Funding is subject to eligibility and availability.

Solar Training Centre is a CITB Endorsed Training Provider.

You must meet CITB’s criteria to be eligible for CITB funding. As permitted by CITB, we retain 10% of the CITB subsidy permitted to cover admin costs in administering the CITB system. CITB subsidies shown below are the maximum rebate we refund after passing the course. Subsidy amounts are subject to change. For more information about CITB and eligibility and to register for a CITB number, please refer to the CITB website here.

You must check your available funding balance at to ensure you have enough funds available for your chosen course with us.

Courses Offered:

CITB funding subsidies are applicable to the following short courses at Solar Training Centre:

  • Design / Install Grid Connected Solar PV Systems
  • Design / Install Battery Storage for Grid Connected Solar PV Systems
  • Design / Install Stand-alone Power Systems
  • Work Safely at Heights

Course fees:

Please refer to the relevant course page for full course fees

Applicable Subsidies: We pay you back up to this amount after you pass the course and we issue your certificate provided you 

Solar PV Courses

  • Design and Install Grid Connected Solar PV Systems -Max CITB subsidy of $1836
  • Design Grid Connected Solar PV Systems – Max CITB subsidy of $756
  • Install Grid Connected Solar PV Systems –  Max CITB subsidy of $1080
  • Design for Qualified Installers – Max CITB subsidy of $756

Battery Storage Courses

  • Design and Install Battery Systems for Grid PV – Max CITB subsidy of $2160
  • Design Battery Systems for Grid PV – Max CITB subsidy of $1080
  • Install Battery Systems for Grid PV – Max CITB subsidy of $1080

Stand-alone Power Systems

  • Design Stand-alone Power Systems – Max CITB subsidy of $378
  • Install Stand-alone Power Systems – Max CITB subsidy of $279


  • Work Safely at Heights – Max CITB subsidy of $130

Eligibility Criteria and Applying:

Detailed eligibility criteria and the proof of eligibility you need to provide us are provided to you when you complete an Enrolment form and Training Agreement with us. Funding is also subject to availability and CITB subsidy amounts are subject to change.

You must have an approved and active CITB number before enrolling in a CITB course. Please check the CITB website to ensure your CITB number and details are up to date, or to check your eligibility or apply for a CITB number if you don’t already have one. Additional eligibility requirements apply. Contact us for more information

Keystone Funding (TAS)

Keystone Tasmania will fund up to 50% of our advertised course cost for the following courses for applicants who are eligible under the Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Act 1990.

  • Design and Install Solar Grid PV Systems Design and Install
  • Battery Storage Systems Design and Install
  • Stand Alone Power Systems

You are eligible for funding if you have registered an account with Keystone and you perform onsite work in the construction industry – conditions apply. See the information sheet here and the Keystone website at for more information

You need to register your enrolment in our course with Keystone a minimum of 3 days prior to the course start date and will accept claims up to 60 days from the date of completion (i.e. issuance of your course certificate).

Keystone does not fund assessment-only activities such as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Verification of Competency (VOC). Payments are made by Keystone to the applicant upon successful completion of the approved activity. Evidence of successful completion is required.