The Team

Steve Kostoff
CEO of Green Business Audit & Training
International +61 (0) 4300 300 23
Within Australia 0430 030023
Skype: kostoff23
Whilst he has held numerous senior management and business development positions throughout his career, his roots are from the small business sector. From a lifetime in family business, he understands the constant pressures placed upon the small business operator and seeks to overcome them.
This strong affinity has not been lost today as he actively consults and facilitates workshops in business management, environmental education and sustainable commercial practices.
With qualifications in environmental management (1978) and business management, he has been able to incorporate strategies for sustainable business and energy efficiency (including waste management, recycling, efficient design, life-cycle analysis, EMS) into all of the work places he has managed. These have included hotels and hospitality complexes, commercial tenancies, and significant franchise operations.
He has travelled the world extensively and lived in Boston and London. Steve is fluent in the Macedonian language and has a strong cultural and social conscience. More than anything, he is concerned about what shape we’ll leave this place for our kids!
Steve has facilitated a network of consultants in South East Europe. They are charged to assist with current business and environmental strategies in meeting EU standards of operation in that region. Together with his team, he is also constructively pursuing education opportunities in India and China.
Since 2007 Steve has been a registered presenter with Australia’s ‘Al Gore Climate Change Project’ and has delivered the community climate-change message to a significant audience.
His sector experience includes Business, Environmental, Telco, Retail, Hospitality, Community Development, RTO, Welfare, Management, Franchising and Project Management, with Industry and Government Board and Panel positions.
His qualifications include: BA (Geography/Environmental Management), Cert IV Small Business Management, Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (including the TAE Sustainable Practice skillset), Cert IV in Home Sustainability Assessment, Cert IV in Business Sustainability Assessment and Cert IV in Carbon Management.

Caz Saunders
Training and Quality Manager
Mobile: 0417 823 497

MSc (Voc Rehab), B AppSc (Physio)
Voc Grad Cert Education and Training for Sustainability
Diploma of Sustainability
Cert IV Home Sustainability and Business Sustainability Assessment
Cert IV Carbon Management
Caz has a 25 year career as a Physiotherapist, delivering physiotherapy, vocational rehabilitation services and training to individuals and enterprise. She co-directed a successful business in the field of OHS and vocational rehabilitation and is highly respected in her sector.
In 2010 she transitioned her passion for training and sustainability into a new career as Training and Compliance Manager and Educator, delivering training in all of Green Business Audit & Training’s programs.
She manages Training and Quality at GBAT and has consistently driven our performance well above industry standards.
Caz has developed specialist knowledge of training and management in the VET sector, and is directly preparing the organisation for further growth and resilience.
She has direct experience in managing small business, in mentoring and advising students who are embarking on their pathway to success.
Caz is also a registered presenter with Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project.

Peter Cockburn
Email: Diploma in Electronic Engineering
Accredited PV Grid Connected & SPS – Designer / Installer
Electrical Workers & Contractors Licence, SA & NT
Energy Storage Council (ESC) – Australian Standards Representative Defence Contractor
CEC Accredited Installer
Australian Antarctic Division (Wintered in 1996)
Solar & Energy Storage sector Educator
Peter is Director of Navitus Solar and specialises in complex solar solutions.
With 25 years experience in the telecommunications, electrical and defence industry, Peter is passionate about his work in the Solar PV and Battery Storage sector.
He has recently represented the Energy Storage Council (ESC) on the Standards Australia committee developing the new Battery Storage Standard.
Peter’s history includes the extraordinary experience of 14 months as an Antarctic Expeditioner and work on remote defence sites through Australia. This foundation of experience helps Peter to design and install highly reliable and complex remote SPS systems and grid connect systems. His projects have included small systems from a few kW of PV to 10’s of kWs of PV and Battery Storage on fixed and mobile / deployable systems.
Peter has also embraced the opportunity to educate and upskill contractors to the Solar and Energy Storage sector, an opportunity that is priceless for anyone wishing to work in this industry. We are honoured to have him lead the training and consulting at the Solar Training Centre!

Craig Redman
As a licenced Electrical Contractor, Craig Redman brings a wealth of solar, storage, electrical and communications expertise to the Solar Training Centre. He has significant trade/technical qualifications accrued over a lifetime of complex work in the Industrial, Mining, Commercial and Domestic sectors. Craig has been responsible for installing, commissioning and maintaining electrical installations and apparatus, often in remote and regional locations. Craig also has current Trainer qualifications and has delivered many trade-based courses in Queensland. He is passionate about the solar and storage industry, having installed both large and small scale systems and wants to help develop the best installers for this sector. Craig is a valued member of the Solar Training Centre Team and we are proud to have him manage our training throughout Queensland.